
CSM is the student ministry of Curtis Baptist Church in Augusta, GA. Our goal is to help students Find God, Follow Jesus, Invest in Others, and Impact the World.

We meet every Wednesday at 5:30 PM and  Sundays at 9:00 AM for Life Groups.


CSM will have their REVIVE weekend for all Middle and High School (grades 6-12) students February 28-March 2. The cost is $50/student and the deadline to register is February 13th. Click this link to sign up: REVIVE SIGN UP. For questions contact Damon at dreynolds@curtisbaptist.org or Carley at chasty@curtisbaptist.org.

Parent Resources

We hope to have a strong influence on your students, but we know that we are not the main influence in their lives. We only get to spend a short amount of time with your students and that means most of their time is spent with their parents. Fortunately, this makes you the biggest influencer in your child’s life. We want to help!

Click HERE to visit our linktree for all the pertinent links for the current month’s news letter, registrations, and social media channels! 

We Want to Hear From you
Say Hello!